In this article, you will learn how a champ lives his life.  I have always had people that said, “you can’t do that.”  That’s where a little bit of my fire and passion comes from.  The other thing that I’ve always had is my parents.  They have always been very supportive of me.  I like when people challenge me and say I can’t.  Yes, I can.  All through school, and throughout the rest of my life, I will look at my life as a mountain.  When people say I can’t, there will always be a champion inside of my heart.  I always view life as a challenge.  I did not get on top of the sports world without people challenging me.  It has always been that way throughout my life.  Somewhere deep inside the kid from the heartland, there always lives a magical indescribable will.  If you knock me down, here comes the champion in me.  If you want to take shots at me, I can deliver a blow to you that will blow you away and make challengers think twice.  How does Jeremiah get the #1 website?  It’s by showing all those who underestimated me what I’ve got.