According to senior linebacker Jacob Barth of the Century Patriots, Feeney’s broken wrist was an accident. Barth also stated that the Patriots are fine with Chris Kraft under the center. As far as next year, according to head coach Ron Wingenbach, the Patriots expect Dalton to be back as quarterback for his junior year. When asked if the Patriots were going to do anything different, Wingenbach said “we might have to change some of our blocking schemes, because the Demons know us so well.” Also, the Patriots expect Dominic Neameyer to be back. Dominic was out the last time the Demons and Patriots met on the field, due to him being in a soccer tournament in Minot. Wingenbach also told that “the game is bigger this time, because one of the teams is going to be putting their sneakers away for the season.” When it came to Hayden Gibson, Wingenbach said that the Patriots were going to try and put pressure on Gibson defensively. Up next, you will hear from the legendary coach of the Demons, Mark Gibson.